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As a leading commerical pest control company, our professional service staff is constantly at Atlas Pest Control is constantly being trained in weekly classes and testing, in-field supervision, quality controls and bulletins from the EPA, FDA,USDA weekly classes and testing, in-field supervision, quality controls, and bulletins from the EPA, FDA, USDA, and State agencies.
Because we hold our company and our team to uncompromising standards of quality, we at Atlas Pest Control work collectively and INDIVIDUALLY to guarantee that your quality of service is the BEST IN THE INDUSTRY.
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With over 60 years experience in the Pest Control Industry, we at Atlas Pest Control realized the importance of Dependability, Professionalism and Innovation when it comes to commercial pest control. We know and understand the costly repercussions it can have on your business should service not be performed to your satisfaction. With this in mind, Atlas has designed the ProPlus program around the four key principles of business: Business Operations, Consumer Relations, Technician Training, Environmental Stewardship.
ProPlus aims to meet the environmental challenges facing our industry and our nation. Moving away from a reactive approach, ProPlus focuses on a proactive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach.
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Progressive Pest Program
The foundation of our commercial program, this monthly non-food handling service incorporates an IPM approach to deal with most crawling insects, like ants, spiders and crickets.
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Restaurant Program
This monthly program for the food handling environment incorporates the same integrated Pest Management approach to focus on the control of crawling insects, especially the German cockroach.
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Fly Control
This monthly program is designed to control house and drain flies from the larval through adult stages.
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Stored Product Pest Control
Working hand-in-hand, the customer & technician impose a sanitation and monthly correction/prevention program to control potential pests and reduce product loss due to infestation.
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Rodent Control
Exclusion is at the heart of any rodent control program, followed by trapping those who have already penetrated the structure. Our premier program also eradicates the feasting insects associated with rodents and sanitizes surfaces affected by rodent urination & defecation.
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Bee Service Options
Preventative Bee Monitoring Solutions
- Bee Extermination & Hive Removal Program
- Bee Extermination, Hive Removal & Repair Program*
- Bee Swarm Removal
- Utility Box Bee Removal